Sustainability is so last year – the goal should be to contribute with a positive footprint on the world. Instead of focusing on making it all a little less bad, we should focus on simply doing it well. This is the basic philosophy behind Cradle to Cradle, where all raw materials are circulated and everything is produced with sustainable energy. Basically, Cradle to Cradle is about us not having to produce waste at all.
You can read more about Cradle to Cradle in our interview with the chairman of CradlePeople here.
Some people will probably think that it would be best if we did not buy something. Dots. But it is difficult to do without the hand soap, the cleaning products and the child’s markers. And we have no illusion that all change can happen at once, so sometimes it’s about taking one step at a time in the right direction.
As (for) users, we have great power over what is produced. We vote with our feet, and with our wallets (even when we buy crap and too much of it!). That is the motivation behind the new initiative C2C Shop n ‘Share , a webshop only with products that are Cradle To Cradle certified. Behind the initiative are the entrepreneurs and the couple Martin Vester and Anna Kirkegaard Vaarst, who are passionate about taking just that step for a slightly better world.
“We have started C2C Shop n ‘Share because we want to make it easy to buy environmentally friendly products. That’s why we’ve created a webshop that brings together Cradle to Cradle certified products. For us, Cradle to Cradle is the road to green transition because it is the most ambitious eco-label. It is holistic and strives to leave a positive footprint, ” says Martin Vester Abrahamsen.
Read more about their mission, concept and products here:
NB! Sustainable Living does not receive money or percentages to promote the initiative.